Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Soapbox :)

Ok. I might as well get this over with- I know it weirds a number of you out but cemeteries are a very important and almost zen-like thing for me. I love cemeteries. They give you a slice of history, they tell you about a person, about a family and most importantly they give you peace. Yes-MOM- I know that the people themselves are not there but the point still remains that the ground and the place is meant to be hallowed ground- ie:a religious place. Those of you who don't regularly get out and visit cemeteries-SHAME ON YOU! And to all those people who treat old plots as spare fields, extra grazing space and use headstones to build your out buildings: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Whether or not you beleive in an afterlife or ghosts or whatever- it's dirty, it's creepy and if it were my grave being tromped by cows.... well, you would not sleep again until you put up a nice cow proof fence :) as I've told my husband-I'll haunt you to death. ADK and I just find it disgusting and disturbing that people think it's perfectly ok to treat cemeteries like any other piece of land. I am going to put links here for an article that is super disturbing about cemetery loss and a few links to cool info pages on cemetery preservation.





Ok- so go educate yourselves and suck it up- cemeteries aren't for ignoring!

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